Galations 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
Do you want to be man's man or Christ's servant, obviously Paul chose to be God's servant, and look what happened to his life!
An obvious comparison is David and Saul. Saul was Man's favorite guy, good looking, tall, strong, and ended up being a known as a bad king. David was Christ's servant, tho not perfect but, known as a man after God's own heart!
Jordan, I guess this is what makes us Christians, that we live by what Christ lived by and try to set a good example for others but not expect them to follow it. It's that carrot at the end of the stick. Tyler
is this tyler schwanger?
Jordan, This is Tyler Bachman, Amy Wilton's fiance, we talked about the church web site the other day. Tyler
Tyler, ok, name doesnt ring a bell, have you been to our church?
Yup, I go every sunday and am at youth group too. TY
Harvest Bible?
Say what?
are you reffering to harvest bible church?
First Presbyterian in NC, If we had a web site with a blog would you use it? TY
Im not exactly sure what your saying, are you saying you have one, and you want me to? or are you asking would i want to view it if you told me the website?
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